Photo shoot in a garden we designed in Hampshire

We were asked by Vande Moortel if we could arrange a photo shoot in our client’s garden in Hampshire where we used their beautiful clay pavers around the swimming pool and on the terrace. Photographer Daniela d’Amato was commissioned to get some shots of the large garden and pool.

A huge downpour nearly stopped the show and Charlotte had to hide in the ‘beach hut’ hoping for the rain to stop (see the video below)! Her prayers were answered and we finally got some lovely sunshine and light for the pictures. See below some of the shots photographer Daniela d’Amato got on the day.

Photography by Daniela d’Amato © Copyright

Downloads 0157 copyright Daniela D'Amato Van der Moortel low res.jpg
Dowlands 0181 copyright Daniela D'Amato Van der Moortel low res copy.jpg
Dowlands 0344 copyright Daniela D'Amato Van der Moortel low res .jpg

Interview with Charlotte Rowe and Tomoko Kawauchi for The Middle Sized Garden’s YouTube channel


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