Houzz features our triangular garden in Chiswick

The design portal Houzz is currently featuring a favourite garden of ours from a couple of years ago. Here are some photos of the garden as it looks at this time of year.

click here to see full article https://www.houzz.co.uk/magazine/garden-tour-a-tricky-shaped-garden-gains-order-and-privacy-stsetivw-vs~138031062

A hand drawing showing the whole garden wrapping around the house at its centre

A hand drawing showing the whole garden wrapping around the house at its centre

Looking through the archway from main garden along the limestone and gravel path through groups of Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’

Looking through the archway from main garden along the limestone and gravel path through groups of Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’


Crane lift over the roof tops


August is coming!